At 0912 Station 50 was dispatched to a bicycle accident, initial comments indicated two bicyclists from a road race over the guardrail at the Wrenns Mill Bridge. Rescue 50 (Lt. Asencio) and Engine 51 (Lt. Drewery) responded. Although a rope rescue was not needed to mitigate the incident Station 50 had 3 rope rescue certified (2 technician and 1 operations level) members on the initial response. At 1031 Station 50 was dispatched to Station 10s area for a structure fire. E51 (Lt. Drewery) and E52 (Lt. Asencio) were the first responding units from Station 50. 503 (Asst. Chief Kempton) and Truck 50 (Past-Chief Hackney) also operated on scene. E53 went in service and covered the town.